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[* IF data('278.sanpell_flavour') == 'Blood Orange' *]
Thanks for sampling our Tastefully Light drinks. If you enjoyed Aranciata Rossa, why not try creating our Rossa Fizz mocktail recipe
[* ELSIF data('278.sanpell_flavour') == 'Orange' *]
Thanks for sampling our Tastefully Light drinks. If you enjoyed Aranciata, why not try creating our After Orange mocktail recipe
[* ELSIF data('278.sanpell_flavour') == 'Lemon' *]
Thanks for sampling our Tastefully Light drinks. If you enjoyed Limonata, why not try creating our Spicy Limonata Collins mocktail recipe
[* ELSIF data('278.sanpell_flavour') == 'Pomegranate & Orange' *]
Thanks for sampling our Tastefully Light drinks. If you enjoyed Melograno & Arancia, why not try creating our Mellow Melogranos mocktail recipe
[* ELSIF data('278.sanpell_flavour') == 'Grapefruit' *]
Thanks for sampling our Tastefully Light drinks. If you enjoyed Pompelmo, why not try creating our Pompelmo Splash mocktail recipe
[* ELSIF data('278.sanpell_flavour') == 'Lemon & Mint' *]
Thanks for sampling our Tastefully Light drinks. If you enjoyed Limone & Menta, why not try creating our Chili Lime mocktail recipe
[* END *] [* IF data('278.sanpell_flavour') == 'Blood Orange' *]
Rossa Fizz
2 orange segments
2 tea spoons of Muscovado sugar (or alternatively, use plain sugar)
A splash of soda
Top up with Sanpellegrino Aranciata Rossa
In the bottom of a sturdy, large glass (400 ml capacity), gently muddle the orange with the sugar and let it combine well by adding a splash of soda. Add some ice cubes and top it up with Sanpellegrino Aranciata Rossa. Decorate with another orange segment and a twig of rosemary.
See recipe
[* ELSIF data('278.sanpell_flavour') == 'Orange' *]
After Orange
2 lime wedges
1 bar spoon/teaspoon of vanilla sugar (or plain sugar)
1 oz/30 ml grapefruit juice
Sanpellegrino Aranciata
Gently muddle the lime together with the sugar in the bottom of a large, 400 ml capacity glass. Add the grapefruit juice along with some crushed ice, then top up with Sanpellegrino Aranciata. Using a bar spoon, stir well until combined. Garnish with a dried lime wedge and grapefruit peel.
See recipe
[* ELSIF data('278.sanpell_flavour') == 'Lemon' *]
Spicy Limonta Collins
½ oz/15 ml ginger syrup
1 oz/30 ml lime juice
Top up with Sanpellegrino Limonata
Squeeze the limejuice into the glass and pour over the ginger syrup. Using a bar spoon, mix to combine well. Fill the glass with ice cubes and complete the drink by topping up with Sanpellegrino Limonata. Garnish with the dried lime slice and freshly grated pepper.
See recipe
[* ELSIF data('278.sanpell_flavour') == 'Pomegranate & Orange' *]
Melograno Arancia
1 oz/30 ml apple juice
1 oz/30 ml pink grapefruit juice juice
Top up with Sanpellegrino Melograno & Arancia
Fill a large, sturdy glass (400 ml capacity), with ice cubes. Pour all the juice and top up with Sanpellegrino Melograno & Arancia. Combine well by stirring gently with a bar spoon. Garnish with fresh mint and a dehydrated apple wheel.
See recipe
[* ELSIF data('278.sanpell_flavour') == 'Grapefruit' *]
1 oz/30 ml pulp-free apple juice
½ oz/15 ml raspberry syrup
Top up with Sanpellegrino Pompelmo
Fill a large, sturdy glass (400 ml capacity) with ice cubes. Gently pour the juice and syrup, followed by Sanpellegrino Pompelmo. Stir until combined using a bar spoon. Garnish with a piece of caramelized apple.
See recipe
[* ELSIF data('278.sanpell_flavour') == 'Lemon & Mint' *]
Limone & Menta
Juice from ½ a lime
½ oz/15 ml agave syrup
7-8 mint leaves
Top up with Sanpellegrino Limone & Menta
In the bottom of a sturdy, large glass (400 ml capacity), pour the lime juice and add the mint and syrup. Combine well by stirring gently with a bar spoon, then fill the glass with ice. Top up with Sanpellegrino Limone & Menta. Garnish with lemon peel and fresh mint.
See recipe
[* END *]
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