Thank you for registering your interest in OptiJourney | View online
Dear <%InsertIf expression="${((not empty user['FirstName']))}" id="Firstname or Default" %><%${user['FirstName']}%><%/InsertIf%><%InsertElse id="Firstname or Default" %><%/InsertElse%>

Thank you for registering your interest in our new OptiJourney programme. We've reviewed your information against our programme criteria and, unfortunately, the programme doesn't appear to be right for you at the present time.

You are not alone – a lot of applicants aren't suitable for a range of reasons, from medication they are currently taking to different factors relating to their health. Starting at the wrong time is not in your best interests and these decisions are always made with the utmost care.

Even though you can't start your journey with us, we do hope that you continue on your path to a healthier you. Below you'll find a useful link to information about diabetes, healthy eating and weight loss that we think you might find useful.

See Diabetes UK

If you have any questions about your application, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us here.

Good luck and best wishes,

The OptiJourney Team

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