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Hi <%InsertIf expression="${((not empty user['FirstName']))}" id="Firstname or Default" %><%${user['FirstName']}%><%/InsertIf%><%InsertElse id="Firstname or Default" %><%/InsertElse%>

Thanks for registering your interest in OptiJourney.

And well done! You've just taken the first step towards being in better control of your wellbeing. As a medically supervised weight-management-coaching programme, we’re the perfect option for anyone with Type 2 Diabetes to reduce their weight and establish new healthier routines.

All you need to do now is watch out for another email from us soon. If you're suitable for the programme, we'll explain everything you need to know about registering and starting your journey for real.

Best wishes,
The OptiJourney Team

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® Reg. Trademark of Société des Produits Nestlé S.A
Nestlé Consumer Services, P.O Box 207, York, YO91 1XY, United Kingdom.