Want to impact the future of brands?
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Hi there [*data('forename') || 'Foodie enthusiast' *]!

Nestle are inviting you to join the Future Cereal Club!
As you’ve said you’re interested in marketing material from Nestle previously, we thought you’d be really interested in joining this community.

Why would I be interested?

If you have ideas and opinions about how the products in your life could be improved to better suit your needs, then this is an exciting opportunity for you!

We're looking for people who like to freely express their opinions, are creative and want to help define the future of cereal!

Sounds interesting…what’s in it for me?!
Collaborate with brands to innovate and create new products to suit YOUR lifestyle!
Have fun sharing experiences, tips & tricks with other members of the Future Cereal Club
Learn more about food & foodie experiences!
We value your time so, depending on how involved you are, we will reward your time with gift vouchers!
To see if you're the type of person we're looking for...
Spots are limited!
Looking forward to meeting you!
Sarah – Research Manager at InSites Consulting

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CEREAL PARTNERS UK, a partnership, whose partners are (1) Nestlé UK Limited, incorporated in England and Wales No. 51491 and having its registered office at 1 City Place, Gatwick RH6 OPA and (2) General Mills Canada Holding 3 Corporation, whose principal place of business is Toronto, Canada.