Please complete all relevant fields. If you have any queries about this form or need assistance please contact
Highlighted * fields are required
Please provide your email address so we can send you a record of the information submitted in this form
Select all those that apply.
Consumer has engaged with MOAC, Rewards or Careline within the last 2 months
Consumer has clicked on an SMA email in the last 6 months AND has clicked on more than 5% of emails sent
Consumer has engaged with MOAC, Rewards or Careline more than 2 months ago
Consumer has clicked on an SMA email in the last 7-12 months OR has clicked in the last 3-6 months but clicked 10% or fewer of emails OR has clicked in the last 3 months but clicked only 5% or fewer of emails
Consumer hasn’t clicked on an SMA email in over 12 months
Consumer has only opened emails within the last 2 months
Consumer has only opened emails within the last 3-12 months
Consumer has only opened emails more than 12 months ago
Consumer has never opened or clicked emails or engaged with MOAC, Rewards or Careline
Note: Separate each email address with a space
Note: Words must be separated by hyphens, please ensure not to use spaces or underscores
Note: Please use 24 hour clock (e.g., 08:00 = 8am, 20:00 = 8pm)
Please enter your preferred salutation
e.g., Only target San Pellegrino ISD consumers with an acquisition source of Hashting
Note: Please use your emailable reports (e.g. Qlik, Orbit, eBusiness) to give a rough estimate for targeting
e.g., Purina CES exclusions, Nescafé email engagement exclusions
If you are happy with your selections please submit your request.